Friday, March 26, 2010


The idea of being able to use your arm as a touch screen for your phone or ipod is an intriguing idea. But I wonder how much use it can really have. The article on BBC News "Sensors Turn Skin into Gadget Control Pad" explains how the arm's skin can work as an input system, and the possible future uses for it. There is even a video to demonstrate it.

Although Skinput seems like an interesting innovation, I'm not sure I understand how useful it is. It requires a small projector for the display, and all I can think of is how is that more convenient than pulling the actual phone or ipod out of your pocket to change the song. It may feel more interactive to the user, but seems a little pointless. I think that the idea can be developed into more useful gadgets and should be pursued, but in the way that Mr. Harrison describes it possibly being used, it does not seem worth the investment to me.

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