Thursday, April 22, 2010

Family Guy

I was sitting around watching family guy, when I suddenly incorporated things I had learned in class. Crazy how that works. But I was watching an episode and noticed it was on Fox. We had watched in class a video about Fox News' consistant conservative bias, I believe it was called "Outfoxed". I went to confirm on the "Who Owns What" website we were shown in class that Fox News and Fox entertainment were owned by the same company, News Corporation.

Fox News is clearly biased after having seen that video. One would think that all aspects of news and shows played on their channel would reflect thier conservative views. But not Family Guy. That floored me. The fact that they allow repeated shots at the conservative and republican parties to be dished out in the show. Small things are distributed in many episodes, such as this episode where Stewie, Brian, and Quagmeyer travel back in time and are in Berlin. Stewie finds on his stolen Nazi uniform a familiar button...

There are many other examples in episodes throughout the series. One I can't find online right now but remember Brian's quote well: "Oh look, a conservative. A fat man riding a donkey who's afraid of change." The show blatantly puts down conservatives and throws its own opinions to the public, which contradict severely the views of the Fox News Network.

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