Thursday, April 22, 2010

Without technology

As our assignment for class, we were to go about 48 hours without our laptops. A near impossible task. I shut off my laptop once I had gotten a couple of things emailed to myself. After my classes I went back to my room and took a nap. I wasn't sure what to do when I woke up. Normally my laptop would be on, playing music and facebook would be up, but likely untouched. I had no music to listen to with my laptop off, and no facebook to visit.

I was so unmotivated to do anything. In order to do any of my assignments I would have had to go to the library. My rough draft needed to get done and printed, so I finally decided to walk over to the library and get some work done.

I didn't last the night. I wanted my music and felt no need to deprive myself any longer.

I learned from this experience that many people who do not have such ease of access with a laptop don't have ease of access to a lot of useful things. They can't constantly check e-mails and stay up to date with their friends as easily. For schoolwork they need to go to public libraries with limited access and times. Luckily for people on our campus, the library is open until 2am on Sunday through Thursday, and there is usually always a computer or laptop ready for use. For others off of our campus and in less privileged areas, they have less ability to do homework on their own time.

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