Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Some commercials are so effective or even just plain amusing that they can draw a lot of attention. Advertisements can inspire many feelings in the viewer, and the idea of the ad is to appeal to what the viewer wants. In the facts that we find commercials amusing and appealing, people like me get our favorite commercials, and use convenient resources such as Youtube to find these again and watch them. It amazes me how an ad can stick in my mind for so long, even if I'm not a fan of what it's advertising.

... And I don't even like soccer. But this commercial had me so interested throughout the entire time, it almost made me want to watch FIFA. I have never once sat in front of a tv and decided to watch soccer, but that made me want to.

Some commercials are just plain amusing and they stick to you in that way and for no other reason.

The point is that the media has power. Marketing and sales are enticing people who may not have been normally enticed with their products or events. Although we have our own minds, we have to still watch ourselves and stop ourselves from impulses. Commercials can inspire us to do things we normally wouldn't, but as an individual we should still stop and think, what are we doing? In our society today it's all about "me" and "I" and what we want NOW. Sometimes taking a moment and thinking of the validity of what we are seeing makes more sense than going off of impulses brought on by advertisements.

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