Sunday, January 31, 2010


I am a Dane Cook fan, no doubt. He is a comedian that cracks me up and I would love to see live. I became a fan of his page on facebook, so I get updates on what's going on with him. Conveniently while I was online on saturday, just about the coolest thing happened. He broadcast himself live, making an announcement that he's going to be putting down the mic for a little while, but will be back, so not to worry.
It was just so intersting to watch him live, even though he is so far away in Mexico. Watching him on my computer, basically having a live conversation with the audience, just made my day and made me feel like he was talking directly to me. He would answer questions that fans would post for him, and it was just so real and exciting to see him in such a new way. Yet one more reason I am thankful for facebook :)

Even though he's got some offensive language to some people, he still sends me to the floor laughing.

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