Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Week1- 1

I had realized that time online has increased over the years, but it was interesting to read about how the use is distributed among age groups and how social networking sites that I use have been used to keep updated about world events even.

In the online article "The Rumors Are True" by Robin Wauters, the author shows data that puts perspective on the age group of the most frequent online users. I figured that with all of the social networking websites and helpful aspects for school that the internet offers, college students my age might be the most frequent users. Interestingly enough that is not the case. The fact of the matter is that adults aged 30-39 use it the most. I was surprised, but thinking about it, it makes sense. In my realm of use there are facebook and homework to use online. For others possibly in that age group there are more things that the internet has to offer such as online subscriptions, shows, music, and business. These things could easily account for those extra hours that that age group picks up.

The second thing I found interesting from this weeks readings was the way that social networking updates have been used to keep the world updated on events, politics, and natural disasters. The online article "2009: Year of the Social Network" by Sharon Gaudon, reviews the use of social networks and how they have been found to be useful and not just "posts with reams and reams of drivel." The most recent example has been shown in how Twitter has been used to keep the world updated of the disaster in Haiti, and also to promote donations for it.

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