Saturday, January 16, 2010

Week 2-1

The readings for this week gave me more perspective and understanding of just how far the internet has come. Reading the short article by Xeni Jardin called "Happy 40th Birthday, Internet", I was able to see how small scale our great internet once was. Going from only typing "LO" to another computer, to being able to send long e-mails, sharing files, updating news, and all sorts of other things are amazing breakthroughs we've seen in the past 40 years of the internet.

Even the ereading we had called "The Network is the Message", by Castells, emphasized the global scale the internet reaches across. The internet is like a completely new place to be explored and understand its limits and abilities, which the author calls "the Internet Galaxy." The internet allows now for so many different applications: social, political, recreational, and many other activites.

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