Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Al Quaida

It legitimately aggravates me to know that Al Quaida may not even exist today if it were not for the internet. It is another remider that with all of this convenience of technology, there also comes the bad things such as this.

Although hate groups and even these terrorist supporters may be allowed to be online, it's hard to draw the line of where responsibilty lies when actions result from hate on the web. This is one thing that will need to be sorted out in the future because until then these hate websites may grow and spread, and do resullt in lone wolf reactions. Acts of violence are carried out because of these websites, or at least that's what I believe. It disgusts me to know that people have died because of orders made online from some unknown source, or even from the Al Quaida media mysteriously posting "educational" videos on the web.

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