Thursday, February 11, 2010

At Aurora University all I seem to be able to see is diversity and coexistance. It seems like all of our different ethnicities mesh well and most people here seem to have friends of other races. Personally I am even dating a guy of a different race. All of these things make me feel pretty good about my generation and it's acceptance of equality and diversity.

Unfortunately, when we log onto the web, there are places to easily access that spread hate and anger. It makes me sick to know that some people are so extreme in their hate to want to extinguish other races such as Hitler tried to do. The documentary we were watching in class hit home with these ideas, showing us websites like Stormfront, and how even the creator's young son created a Stormfront website for kids. It's sad to see such hate ingrained into a young mind. It's also upsetting to see how these websites can go from being just freedom of speech to leading to violence. The documentary showed us how when a white supremesist leader was denied his law license, his followers acted on it by targeting and killing minorities.

Despite these hate sites, I still have faith in my generation to get over racial differences, or at least keep advancing it for other generations to wholly accept someday.

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