Sunday, February 7, 2010

Music Online

I would definitely have to say that the internet has improved my music listening abilities by quite a bit, and I'd like to say thank you :) Thank you Pandora, Playlist, and Youtube, you give me great auditory pleasure, and are nearly always on when I'm on my computer.
I love because it seems to have any song I ever want to listen to, and lets me build my own playlist to listen to anytime I want for free. I can mix up my music and have a personalized playlist, and because it's online I don't have to purchase each song to listen.
On the other hand, Pandora is always there for me when maybe I'm not sure exactly what I want to listen to. Or in the event that I want to hear some new things, but I don't know what. On this website I can put in any band, song, or genre that I want to hear, and it will play me songs from those. I can rate the songs that are played on the "radio," by "liking" or "disliking" each song, and from there, it automatically plays more things like the songs I liked. The radio station becomes personalized to what I like, but also plays things that I've maybe never heard, but might like according to my previous suggestions. For me it's a great way to find new songs, but also listen to a consistant stream of ones that I enjoy!

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