Thursday, February 25, 2010

Oh to be phoneless

I don't know what I would do without my phone. All I know is I never want to have to find out. The cell phone is there for so many purposes, and even my basic functioning one has its obvious advantages.

Without texting, what would I do when I'm bored? How could I contact people without calling them on my cell? ...Despite the fact that half the people I call live in THE SAME building as I do... that's besides the point.

It's there for those awkward situations when you see someone you know but don't want to talk to... just look like you're sending a very concentrated text, or your phone just rang and you can't talk to them now. Hey, that's life.

It's there for you when you're bored and don't know what to do. Just text someone and see what's going on. BAM! You've got something to do.

It's there for you when someone else needs you. In all honesty, life without a phone would be a sad one. Maybe one kind of like this...

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